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Mission Critical Partners celebrates 15th anniversary


STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Mission Critical Partners (MCP) announced today the 15th anniversary of its founding as a firm that provides consulting and managed services to public-safety, justice, and government organizations.

Since its 10th milestone anniversary, MCP has grown impressively. Over the last five years, six acquisitions were made that greatly expanded the firm’s service portfolio and subject-matter expertise. Simultaneously, the firm’s roster of subject-matter experts more than doubled, to about 200 today. But while this growth is impressive, more important is that all this activity has enhanced MCP’s impact on the public-safety/justice ecosystem, according to Darrin Reilly, president and chief executive officer.

“The expansion of our capabilities has enabled us to help the organizations that we serve improve public-safety, justice, and public-sector outcomes, in some cases dramatically,” Reilly said. “For a firm like ours, there is no greater praise.”

Significant client projects over the last five years supported by MCP’s subject-matter expertise include:

Advanced transportation management system — The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) was unsure how to leverage the tremendous amount of data it possessed. MoDOT and MCP developed and designed the MoDOT Management System (MMS), a web-responsive integrated system that enables the department to perform an abundance of tasks more efficiently. Today, MMS is used by more than 5,000 MoDOT personnel across the state.

Statewide land mobile radio (LMR) system enhancement — MCP is helping the Massachusetts State Police implement a new statewide digital radio system that will replace a legacy analog system that had reached end of life. The new system is expected to increase coverage, capacity, interoperability, and reliability, not only for the MSP, but also for regional and local public-safety agencies.

Statewide transition to Next Generation 911 (NG911) service — MCP has a long history of supporting the state of Maryland’s 911 community as it transitions to NG911 service statewide. Currently, the firm is supporting a project to aggregate, validate, and disseminate geographic information system (GIS) data, which is essential to NG911 service. MCP will ensure that the GIS data aligns with industry standards and best practices across the state, a task made more challenging given that multiple emergency services Internet Protocol networks (ESInets) exist in Maryland.

Criminal justice technology systems overhaul — The city of New Orleans is modernizing critically antiquated justice technology systems with MCP’s support. One key aspect of the project involves replacing decades-old computer systems with advanced, cloud-based technologies.

Modernization of statewide criminal justice information systems — MCP is working with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to modernize as many as 14 criminal justice information systems over the next five years. The project will begin with an assessment of each system, and Texas DPS and MCP are developing short- and long-term plans for enhancing them. MCP also is supporting the potential development of requests for proposals for potential technology replacements and upgrades. One expected outcome of the project is launching the nation’s first terrorist-offender registry.

Digitizing court services — Project Helio, an initiative of the Superior Court of California – Marin County to transition its paper-based operations to digital-by-default court services, was recently completed. It is thought that leveraging services digitally vastly increases access to justice for litigants. The project also involved modernizing the court’s technology environment, which consisted of four aging and unreliable computer systems. MCP provided subject-matter expertise pertaining to technology implementation and integration, project management, and change management.

Addressing cybersecurity vulnerabilities statewide — The Tennessee Emergency Communications Board (TECB) is transitioning to a statewide emergency services Internet Protocol (IP) network (ESInet) to support NG911 service. Like any IP network, an ESInet is inherently vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks, and public-safety and emergency-response networks and systems increasingly are being targeted by cyberattackers. So, the TECB turned to MCP to conduct baseline cybersecurity vulnerability assessments at the 100 emergency communications districts that exist in the state. The project was awarded a 2022 ASTORS homeland security award.

In addition to the hundreds of projects that have benefitted from MCP’s involvement over its history, the firm today supports the public-safety/emergency-response community by publishing its annual Analysis-and-Insights Report, which focuses on eight key factors. The content is based on MCP’s proprietary assessment methodology known as the Model for Advancing Public Safety® (MAPS®), anecdotal observations made by MCP SMEs as they worked on myriad client projects.

Each key factor is explored in a standalone chapter that examines the relevance of the factor to public safety, changes that have ensued since the initial analysis-and-insights report was published in 2022, the impact of those changes, and key trends that have emerged.

For more information on MCP’s 15th anniversary and the work the firm has completed to enhance public-safety and justice outcomes, visit its website.

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