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Las Vegas police to receive gifted fleet of Cybertrucks

By Akiya DillonLas Vegas Review-JournalLAS VEGAS — A gifted “fleet” of Tesla Cybertrucks, a new training model to reduce officer-involved shootings and the recently established “Wellness Bureau” were presented at Metro’s State of the Department address on Tuesday morning.These roll-outs, officials said, would support the...

Orange County Sheriff’s Department enhances public safety with RGB Spectrum’s advanced video processing technology

PRESS RELEASEALAMEDA, Calif. — The Orange County Sheriff’s Department has transformed its Real Time Operations Center (RTOC) with RGB Spectrum’s cutting-edge XtendPoint KVM-over-IP technology, advancing public safety operations through enhanced video processing, seamless information sharing, and real-time collaboration.Led by Dave Fontneau, Chief Information Officer of...

TrafFix Devices highlights the Block Axess

PRESS RELEASESAN CLEMENTE, Calif. — TrafFix Devices, a leading manufacturer and supplier of traffic control devices and crash attenuation products, highlights the Block Axess Vehicle Mitigation System, a state-of-the-art solution designed to enhance public safety by preventing unauthorized vehicular access to pedestrian zones and public...