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Yadilette Rivera-Colón seeks to inspire next generation of Latina scientists

MassLive recently asked readers to identify people they consider Black leaders in Massachusetts, working to make a difference in politics, education, business, the arts or another area of interest.

Profiles of these leaders will be published leading up to the Juneteenth holiday on June 19. These are people our readers have identified as inspirational, who may be doing good acts for their communities. They are being recognized for their accomplishments, leadership and commitment to inspire change.

Hispanic Leaders

Yadilette Rivera ColónSebastian Restrepo

Yadilette Rivera-Colón

Age: 38

Community: Holyoke

Her story: A native of Puerto Rico and proud first-generation college student, Yadilette Rivera-Colón calls herself “a rebel teacher.”

A researcher and educator who chairs the undergraduate science programs at Bay Path University, Rivera-Colón has a strong, personal drive to connect with Latinas and other underserved populations to share her love of science.

She earned her doctorate in molecular and cellular biology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2013 and went on to become a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. Today, Rivera-Colón splits her time between the labs at Bay Path helping students with their research projects, teaching biochemistry, visiting the Holyoke STEM Academy “to open students there to the wonders of the scientific world,” and an array of community service roles.

Rivera-Colón is passionate about inspiring the next generation of women scientists, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds. Her community service has also included involvement with Girls Inc. of the Valley, Latino Scholarship Fund of Western Massachusetts and MassHire Holyoke. She is also a Holyoke School Committee member.

Rivera-Colón said one of her greatest accomplishments has been the development of a new STEM class for 7th and 8th grade students in Holyoke Public Schools, focused on hands-on learning and problem-solving.

In her words: “Grow your network. Everyone has something to offer to this world and has different talents, so meet others. Once you identify your passion find opportunities and get involved.”

We’re always open to hearing about more inspiring people. If you’d like to suggest someone else who should be recognized, please fill out this form.

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