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Religion Notes: Feb. 8, 2024

Thrift shop

Springfield – The thrift shop at St. Gregory Armenian Church, 135 Goodwin St., in the Indian Orchard section, is open Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more information, go online to saintgregoryarmenianchurch.org.

Church events

Sunderland – First Congregational Church of Sunderland, 91 S. Main St., Serendipity Shop is open on Saturdays, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with items for sale at bargain prices.

Weekly Sunday church service is offered at 11 a.m. in-person or on Zoom. Email scc1717@wordpress.com or visit the church on Facebook for more information.

Frozen Polish food sale

Springfield – Immaculate Conception Church, 25 Parker St. in the Indian Orchard section will hold a frozen Polish food sale (Pierogi, Golabki, Kapusta) Saturday, Feb. 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All are welcome to come and purchase.

Drive-in collection

Springfield – Foster Memorial Church, UCC, will hold their monthly “Drive-Through Collection of Food Donations” on Saturday, Feb. 10 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the church’s back parking lot. The focus this month is soup for their Souper Bowl Of Caring outreach project. All food is donated to the Emergency Food Cupboard of the Open Pantry in Springfield. All non-perishable food items are appreciated. The church is located at 1791 Wilbraham Road in the Sixteen Acres section.

SOUPer Bowl Sunday underway

Agawam – SOUPer Bowl Sunday is underway at Agawam Congregational Church. Cans of various soups will be collected from members and friends through Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 11, the day of the big football game. The “Football Stadium” is set up in the Narthex where folks can place their donated cans of soup to be brought to the Parish Cupboard the week of Feb. 12. For more information, contact the church office at 413-786-7111 or office@agawamcong.com. The church is located at 745 Main St.

Special Service of worship

Monson – A special service of worship to honor composer Charles Callahan (1951-2023) will be held at First church of Monson, 5 High St., on Sunday, Feb. 11 at 10 a.m. Kiel Krommer, Director of Music Ministry, will lead the service which will include organ solos, choral numbers, and instrumental arrangements. The public is invited to participate in the celebration of Callahan’s contribution to their music heritage.

Spaghetti supper

Ludlow – The next spaghetti supper at St. Elizabeth pastoral center, will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 13 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Adult tickets are $7 each, children under 10 tickets are $4 each. With immediate family cap of $20. Gift cards are available for purchase. The church is located on Hubbard St.

Rummage sale

Springfield – Christ Church Cathedral, 35 Chestnut St., will host a charity rummage sale on Feb. 17 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Local vendors and community members are invited to rent a table to sell their own wares. Items accepted include books, electronics, office supplies, furniture, housewares, kitchenware, seasonal decorations, collectibles, toys, shoes, artwork, records, CDs, VHS, DVDs, and more. Clothing and food is asked to be donated to the church’s drop-in center for the homeless.

Contact Christ Church Cathedral’s main office to rent a table at 413-736-2742. Tables are $15 each, along with a percentage of earnings to be given to the church. Vendors will be responsible for the presentation, pricing, and selling of their own items, as well as the clean-up and disposal of any items left over.

Valentine’s dinner

Agawam – Agawam Congregational Church will hold a Valentine’s dinner at the church on Saturday, Feb. 17 at 5 p.m. The sit-down dinner will be served in the church hall; but, take out orders are available, as well. The menu will consist of spaghetti and meatballs, salad, roll, and for dessert, large, red velvet cake cupcakes, filled and topped with white chocolate, buttercream icing with a fancy chocolate, two-heart decoration on top will be included. Church member Sharon Christian is making the cupcakes from a family recipe. Tickets are $14 and available in the church office, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to noon or after service on Sunday morning. Deadline for tickets is Wednesday, Feb. 14 at noon. For more information, call 413-786-7111 or email office@agawamcong.com.

St. Joseph’s Church Community winter picnic

Westfield – St. Joseph’s National Catholic Church, 73 Main St. is hosting a Community Winter Picnic on Feb. 18 at noon. This picnic will feature grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, salad, dessert, s’mores and hot and cold beverages. The picnic will be held in the church’s Social Center. Tickets are $15 for adults and $7 for children under 12. All are welcome. For tickets, contact 413-977-2007. The deadline for purchasing tickets is Thursday, Feb. 15. Dinners-To-Go are also available as well.

Saint Jerome Parish hosting a Novena to Saint Patrick

Holyoke – Saint Jerome Parish in Holyoke will host a city-wide Novena to Saint Patrick with priests who serve in the Diocese as Mass celebrants. The Novena begins Thursday, March 7 and concludes on Friday, March 15. Weekday Masses will be celebrated at 12:15 p.m.; the Saturday Novena Mass will be celebrated at 4 p.m.; and the Sunday Novena Mass will be celebrated at 8 a.m. For further information, contact the Saint Jerome Parish Office at 413-532-6381. The Church is located at 169 Hampden Street.

Irish Night fundraiser

Holyoke – St. Jerome Parish presents Irish Night Fundraiser at Our Lady of Guadalupe Community Center, 340 Chestnut St. with secured parking, on Saturday, March 9. Live music by Deirdre Reilly, corn beef sandwiches, potato balls, refreshments, cash bar, chips, popcorn, soda, coffee and water. Doors open at 6 p.m. There will also be raffle prizes and a 50/50 raffle. Admission is $16 adults and teens, $7 children 7-12 years old, ages 6 and under free. Tickets can be purchased at the end of all weekend masses beginning Feb. 10 and 11 and tables of 8 may be reserved in advance by contacting Jennie McGiverin at 413-250-2093 or John Kelley at 413-650-0493. Black Rose Academy of Irish Dance will perform at 6:30 p.m.

Church events

Springfield – South Congregational Church, an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ in downtown Springfield, invites everyone to its regular worship services, Sundays at 10 a.m. in person at 45 Maple Street in Springfield or on Zoom. Find the Zoom link and more information about us on our website at www.sococh.org.

You will experience their warm welcome, fine music program, and engaging coffee hour immediately following worship. Childcare is also available. Join the Bible Study group on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Zoom (use the Zoom worship link) — whether you are new to bible study or have a lifetime of experience, you are welcome. Other programs include regular knitting and quilting circles as well as an upcoming Lenten Book Group. In addition to church services and events, South is particularly engaged in the downtown community, and many public programs are offered in their spaces. If you’d like to know more, receive our weekly email newsletter, or have any questions, please email admin@sococh.org or call ‪(413) 732-0117. Find them on Facebook or Instagram

Sunday services

Agawam – Agawam Congregational Church, 745 Main St., invites the community to Sunday morning services at 10 a.m. On the first Sunday of every month communion is served with bread and grape juice or with individually packaged wafer and grape juice. Following all Sunday services, there is a Friendship gathering in the church hall. Coffee, tea, and water are served along with various goodies and packaged treats. Juice is, also, available, especially, for children in attendance. Children can, also, visit the “Mural Room” where many animals are painted floor to ceiling on an entire wall. The church is handicapped accessible with a large parking lot. If anyone may need a ride or assistance, contact the church at 413-786-7111 or email office@agawamcong.com.

Additional adoration times

Agawam – St. John the Evangelist Church, 833 Main St. will offer weekly adoration ceremonies on Wednesdays between noon and 5:30 p.m. The Holy Mass takes place at 6 p.m. Lawn signs are available for Agawam residents announcing the Year of the Eucharist. Contact the parish office to obtain one, 413-786-8105, ext. 101.

Free weekly Veterans lunch

Holyoke – Community Roots Neighborhood Services offers a free hot lunch for Veterans and their adult immediate family (Parents or spouse). The lunches are every Thursday at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 485 Appleton St. Questions? Email Gina Nelson at crnsholyoke@gmail.com.

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