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Garden Notes: March 20, 2024

Upcoming programs at Berkshire Botanical Garden

STOCKBRIDGE – Berkshire Botanical Garden presents the following upcoming programs. Wednesday, March 27 to Friday, March 29, “Painting a Winter Arrangement,” 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Learn to paint a floral arrangement in an “alla prima” approach through observation of the subtle nuances of color, temperature and form. Students will be guided each step of the way through demonstration and individual instruction, helping them develop a better understanding of design, color mixing/observation, form modeling, and applying finishing touches. Cost is $235 members, $255 nonmembers; On Saturday, March 30, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., “Spring Pruning of Woody Ornamental Plants.” Spring is a great time to assess woody shrubs for shape, structure, and winter damage. Ron Yaple, owner of Race Mountain Tree Services will demonstrate how to renovate, rejuvenate, and shape shrubs and small ornamental trees for structure, health, and optimal growth. Plants covered will include viburnums, lilacs, witch hazels, deciduous azaleas, sweetshrubs, crabapples, and ornamental cherries. Participants should dress for the weather, and bring pruners, work gloves, and a bag lunch. There will be some pruners available, provided by BBG. Cost is $50 members, $70 nonmembers; On Saturday, March 30, “Spring Hoppening,” 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Highlights of the event include egg hunts, a story walk, crafts, pony rides, games, food trucks, drinks, and opportunities to have photos taken with a rather large and friendly bunny. The Garden’s gift shop will be open with garden items for sale. At 10:30 a.m. the first of three egg hunts begins for children 3 and under, followed at 10:45 a.m. with an egg hunt for ages 3 to 6. At 11 a.m. the egg hunt for children of ages 7 through 12 begins. Older children are welcome to come help their younger siblings/friends. Admission is $10 per person for members, $15 for non-members. Free admission for all children under the age of 4. Registration is recommended. Takes place at Center House. To register or for more information, visit www.berkshirebotanical.org. Berkshire Botanical Garden is located at 5 West Stockbridge Road.

Springfield Garden Club scholarship

SPRINGFIELD – The Springfield Garden Club is accepting applications for their annual $2,000 scholarship awarded to a graduating high school senior, undergraduate or graduate college student majoring in a full-time plant science or environmental studies program, such as horticulture, floriculture, landscape design, conservation, forestry, botany, agronomy, plant pathology, environmental control, land management or other allied fields.

The candidate must be a resident of Hampden County, demonstrate financial need and have adequate academic standing. High school seniors, undergraduate and graduate college students are eligible for consideration. For additional information and to request a copy of the application contact Jane Glushik at SGCscholarship@gmail.com.

Scholarship applications are to be complete and meet the submission deadline of April 1, to be eligible for consideration. The SGC has awarded over $80,000 to more than 50 students during the past 30 plus years. Funds for the scholarship are raised at the annual plant sale held each year in the spring. The annual plant sale this year will be held at Forest Park on Sumner Ave. on Saturday, June 1 from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information on the Springfield Garden Club events, visit www.springfieldgardenclubma.org or visit them on Facebook.

Springfield Garden Club hosts beginning gardening series

SPRINGFIELD – The Springfield Garden Club’s last “Gardening Basics” class on the basics of starting a garden. will be held on April 13 at 10 a.m.

The last class in the series is “Composting.” How to turn kitchen scraps and garden waste into brown gold. Presented by Janet Dolder, SGC member and Master gardener.

The class will be held at the Shea Building at Forest Park, 300 Sumner Ave. The fee is $10 per class or the series of four for $30. Tickets are available on Eventbrite, by emailing spfldgardenclub@gmail.com or by calling 413-285-3163.

WMMGA 2024-In Person Spring Gardening Symposia

WESTFIELD – Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Associations’ in-person Spring Gardening Symposia next symposium is on April 6 in Lenox and April 13 in South Deerfield. For more information, registration forms and/or online registration visit wmmga.org.

The second symposium, “Spring Into Gardening,” will be held on Saturday, April 6 at the Lenox Memorial Middle School and High School in Lenox. This half day event will allow attendees to select from a range of topics including: “Starting a Vegetable Garden” with Ron Jujawski, Horticultural consultant, author and educator; “Compost Happens” with Jodi Callihane, from Ward’s Nursery: “Ornamental Alternative: Replacing Invasives with Beautiful Natives for a Healthy & Beneficial Home Habitat” with Cornell University Master Gardener Christine Ferrero; and “Living Walls” with WMMGA Master Gardener, Shari Petrucci. For more information, registration forms and/or online registration, visit wmmga.org.

Guest night program

Monson – Monson Garden Club is sponsoring it’s “Guest Night” program Floral Design with Bob Whitney on Monday, April 1 at 7 p.m. in First Church of Monson on High St. This program is open to the public with light refreshments to be served. A suggested donation of $5 will give guests a chance to take home one of the arrangements made during the presentation.

Garden club luncheon

Wilbraham – The April meeting of the Wilbraham Garden Club will hold a sandwich luncheon at noon on Thursday, April 4. A reservation is needed for this meeting. Call Norma at 413-596-8173 for a reservation. The speaker for the day will be Bob Whitney, whose topic will be “Stix, Twigs, Moss, Stones & Flowers.” His program will consist of arrangements using items from nature that can be found in your own yard. His finished creations will be raffled a the end of the program.

Agawam Garden Club 2024 Scholarship

AGAWAM – Applications are now available for the Agawam Garden Club 2024 scholarship. To qualify for the scholarship students must be a graduating senior of Agawam High School or a college student who graduated from Agawam High School and is planning to attend an institution of higher learning in the fall. Applicants must be majoring in or planning on majoring in one of the following: botany, environmental engineering, environmental science, earths systems, forest management, natural resources, plant soil and insect science, sustainable agriculture, sustainable horticulture or food and framing, turf grass science and management, landscape design and management technology, clean energy, technology studies, waste water or other environmental related studies.

The recipient will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship at the clubs annual June meeting. Completed applications along with transcripts and references must be submitted to Denise Carmody, 40 Primrose Lane Agawam, MA 01001 by April 1. Applications are available through Agawam High school or can be found on their website at agawamgardenclub.com.

Garden Club Scholarships

WEST SPRINGFIELD – The West Springfield Garden Club announces that two $1,000 scholarships are available for qualified high school seniors or post-secondary students during the spring of 2024. Applicants must be West Springfield residents. Scholarships are available for students with a focus of study in one or more of the following areas: Horticulture, Agriculture, Ecology, Botany, Environmental Studies, Landscape Design or Forestry. Applicants must submit a completed application along with a written one-page document that demonstrates their plans for after graduation in any of the above-mentioned fields and how the grant will assist in their career choice. Application forms are available at the Guidance offices of Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative located a 174 Brush Hill Avenue, the West Springfield High School at 425 Piper Road or on the West Springfield Garden Club website, www.wwsgardenclub.org.

Applicants from WSHS or LPVEC should submit their completed application and written entry to their Guidance office. Post-secondary student applicants can submit their materials directly to WSGC Scholarship Committee, c/o West Springfield Park and Recreation, 26 Central Street, West Springfield, MA 01089. All applications must be received by the scholarship committee by April 12, 2024. The successful candidates will be notified via mail in mid-May.

Send items for Garden Notes to pmastriano@repub.com two weeks prior to publication.

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