Dear Amy: I’ve been with my girlfriend for five years (we’re both in our mid-20s).
We moved in together about a year ago and both have good jobs. Her job is either more stressful than mine or maybe she just feels the stress more, but frequently when she comes home after work, she is in a foul mood. She always says she’s “hangry,” and that she feels better after she eats something.
In my opinion, this makes her pretty hard to live with.
The other night it was my turn to make dinner and she didn’t believe I was paying enough attention to what I was doing. She followed me around the kitchen, criticizing what I was doing. She went to the refrigerator and got a tub of yogurt to eat.
I was doing a crossword on my phone while the rice was cooking but nothing was progressing fast enough, and – long story short – she ended up throwing the yogurt at me (spoon and all).
My back was turned and the yogurt hit my back, splattered all over me, and fell to the floor.
I wasn’t hurt, but I’m thinking this is the last straw. She did sincerely apologize. She blamed this outburst on her hunger, but I’m thinking of moving out. I’m not sure what to do.
– Man On the Fence
Dear On the Fence: Your girlfriend could easily control her “hangry” outbursts by grabbing a snack on the way home from work.
Her violence is unacceptable.
Men sometimes discount partner violence if they’re not injured. I hope you won’t make this mistake.
It’s time for you to get out. Move in with a friend, make a clean break, and don’t look back.
Dear Amy: Your answer to “Depressing (but not depressed) Daughter” was wonderful.
I watched my two parents die and was in DD’s position often, and didn’t know what to say.
Your suggestions were simple and very helpful.
– Barry, in Indiana
Dear Barry: A person telling the truth about a dying relative is not a “downer,” as long as they accept “I’m sorry,” as a sincere and adequate response.
(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)
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