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I waited 10 minutes for a baked potato at The Big E. Is it worth the hype?

I have a confession to make.

I’d never heard of The Big E until I interviewed for this job.

So when it came to doling out assignments for this year’s fair, I was happy to volunteer to try the iconic Maine baked potato. I figured, for my first trip I might as well play the hits.

And I must say, the potato was definitely a hit for me. The $8 potato is available inside the Maine state building, with several toppings: butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon and chives. It is cash only though, so plan in advance or hit up one of the ATMs on the fairgrounds.

I got in line for my ‘tater around 10:30 a.m. and had a fully loaded baked potato in my hands by around 10:45 a.m., which I’m led to believe means I got lucky.

The potato is, well, your standard baked potato. There’s nothing particularly fancy about it, and that’s part of the reason why I think I enjoyed it so much. It’s just a very well-executed version of what it’s trying to be. The potato is piping hot and all the toppings work so well together.

I was surprised though that the cheese was a sort-of nacho-cheese type sauce, rather than your standard shredded or sliced cheese. That added a nice element, ensuring cheesy goodness in each bite. The bacon, essentially bacon bits, provided a nice smoky note to cut through some of the richness.

Was it worth the 10-minute wait? I thought so — and so did many other fairgoers.

Joanie and Paul Delarond told me they drove from Webster — roughly 90 minutes away — to The Big E, which they said they had been attending for 50 years.

The Delaronds said the Maine potato has been a staple each time they’ve attended.

”It’s so good and fresh and it’s got everything on it,” Joanie Delarond said in between bites of potato outside the state building.

Both agreed that the spud was worth the wait.

Eric Clifford, of Hudson, New Hampshire, brought his kids Caden, 12, and Cash, 9, to the fair this year. Clifford said he grew up attending The Big E and has turned it into a must-do with his own kids.

Clifford said he makes sure to get the potato on the first day of the fair each year.

“I just love the taste of it,” he said. “It’s kind of like a tradition for us. Every year we’re like, let’s go to The Big E. Let’s get the baked potato right away.”

“I have to get it every year,” he added.

Caden and Cash were big fans, too.

“I love it,” said Cash Clifford.

This post was originally published on this site