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Westfield father of child who overdosed now faces new endangerment charges

SPRINGFIELD — A city man who was charged with reckless child endangerment after his 11-month-old son overdosed on fentanyl while in his care in February 2022 was arraigned Wednesday on new charges after the same child overdosed on fentanyl and his sister tested positive for the narcotic in November.

Christopher T. Eck, 46, of 74 Ridgeway St., Westfield, was arraigned in Hampden Superior Court on Wednesday on two counts of permitting substantial injury to a child and four counts of reckless child endangerment after being indicted by a Superior Court grand jury on Dec. 12, according to Jim Leyton a spokesman for Hampden County District Attorney Anthony Gulluni.

During his arraignment, Eck pleaded not guilty and was ordered held in lieu of posting a $25,000 cash bail, according to Leyton.

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