Looking for a job? One place is hiring where your co-workers could be ghosts.
The Conjuring house, the iconic haunted Rhode Island farmhouse where evil happenings inspired the 2013 horror movie “The Conjuring,” is hiring four new positions, according to a Facebook post.
The positions include two tour guides, a caretaker and a GHamping host, which is “ghost plus camping.”
Paranormal experience is not required for the one hour tour positions. However, those with experience in paranormal or spiritual fields are encouraged to talk about it an email to the company.
“What are we looking for? Hard working people with positive outlooks on things. We prefer nice, caring, willing to learn and follow directions kind of folks. You also must enjoy interacting with the public and with our spirited activity,” the Facebook post reads.
The house was purchased in 2022 for $1.525 million — $300,000 over the asking price — by Jaqueline Nuñez, a Boston developer with a deep fascination and belief in the paranormal.
With the buying stipulations from the previous owner being that whoever owns the home cannot live in it year-round due to its “powerful energy,” as Nuñez told The Boston Globe, Nuñez said she would be running day tours and allowing guests to book overnight for “investigations.”
“Legend has it, the home is haunted by the presence of Bathsheba Sherman, who lived in the house in the 1800s,” Realtor Mott & Chace Sotheby’s International Realty said, MassLive previously reported. “To this day, countless happenings have been reported.”