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Victor Davila is dedicated to service in Springfield

MassLive recently asked readers to identify people they consider Hispanic and Latino leaders in Massachusetts, working to make a difference across the statee.

Profiles of these leaders will be published over the course of Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15. These are people readers have identified as inspirational, who may be doing good acts for their communities. They are being recognized for their accomplishments, leadership and commitment to inspire change.

Victor Davila

Victor Davila, Springfield city councilor.Victor Davila

Victor Davila

Age: 53

Community: Springfield

His story: Victor Davila arrived in Springfield as a teenager. He didn’t speak any English and his family was homeless.

Today, he is a Springfield city councilor representing Ward 6 and chairs two committees: general government and PILOT/revenue. In his role, Davila said he is entrusted to oversee city finances, budgeting and operations, while acting as a “bridge” between residents and government.

In addition to serving as a city councilor, Davila, a resident of Springfield’s Forest Park neighborhood, works as a full-time paramedic for AMR, responding to emergency calls for sick and injured people in Springfield. He has always been attracted to service for others, he said.

A graduate of Westfield State College, Davila is the first Latino of Puerto Rican heritage to be elected to the Springfield City Council for Ward 6. He has also previously served as the past president of the Forest Park Civic Association and a parish council member at Holy Name Church.

When Davila ran for reelection in 2023, his platform focused on developing comprehensive plans to address gun violence and litter in the city.

In his words: “Springfield is a great to live. We need your talents. Get involve in the community. Do not give up. Always purse your dreams and goals and always believe in yourself.”

We’re always open to hearing about more inspiring people. If you’d like to suggest someone else who should be recognized, please fill out this form.

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