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Story unfair to Italian-American community leaders in Springfield (Letters)

Editor’s note: These three letters comment on an article Saturday about the Italian Gala Dinner honoring three people who had run-ins with the law.

I was saddened and disheartened to read the recent article shining a negative light on the Italian-American community. The article was another desperate attempt to try and bring down the Italian-American community in Western Massachusetts, a community that is made up of hard working blue- and white-collar workers, business owners, politicians and high-ranking officials of all ages and genders.

A community that has overcome language barriers, poverty, discrimination and many other hurdles. A community that comes together to help others in need regardless of race, color or creed, a community that I’m proud to be part of. I’m not sure why you would choose to run this article at all, but especially on the weekend when many Italian celebrations are being held.

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