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Korean Corn Dog takes sizzling, tangy twist on a fair staple at The Big E

Among the new food selections at The Big E for 2024 is a flavorful twist on the classic corn dog, a traditional fair staple.

Dubbed the “Korean Corn Dog,” this encrusted sausage on a stick is available at the stand labeled “Giant Corn Dog Factory” at the corner of the Avenue of States and West Road, with flashing orange lights atop it.

Contrary to the solid, smooth outer shell of a typical corn dog, the Korean Corn Dog is a skewered and chopped wiener coated in sugary, breaded and crusted wedges of starchy carbs, which are doughy, soft and malleable on the inside.

When ordered from the stand, a server will pile the top of the corn dog with a medley of interlaced streams of ketchup, mustard, hot chili and sweet and sour sauces.

The result is a 10- to 11-inch corn dog with some heft and weight and an amalgamation of flavor profiles.

On one hand, the sauces create a sizzling spice and tang on the tongue that dances and lingers as a bit of an aftertaste. Though, the spice is notably not overpowering at the same time.

On the other hand, the further one eats into the corn dog, a slight sweetness emerges from the crust, somewhat akin to a glazed pastry.

In the core, a standard meaty hot dog sits enclosed. The shell and sauces mask the flavor of the meat itself in many ways. The end result is a sort of oblong zesty meat donut.

The meal itself, like many of its fried fair counterparts, gives that typical heavy-on-your-stomach feeling once digested.

Eating the corn dog can get a little messy working your way down the stick due to the combination of dripping sauces and the loss of structural integrity with each continuous bite.

Therefore, keep the aluminum foil, paper wrapping and napkin you’re handed with the corn dog close by to catch dripping sauces and corn dog bits — and for easier cleanup.

In total the Korean Corn Dog from The Big E will set you back $15 flat.

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