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Jasarah Burgos helps connect Latinos with important resources

MassLive recently asked readers to identify people they consider Hispanic and Latino leaders in Massachusetts, working to make a difference across the state.

Profiles of these leaders will be published over the course of Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15. These are people readers have identified as inspirational, who may be doing good acts for their communities. They are being recognized for their accomplishments, leadership and commitment to inspire change.

Jasarah Burgos

Jasarah Burgos (Photo by Jose Figueroa from Airfig Productions)Jose Figueroa from Airfig Productions

Jasarah Burgos

Age: 35

Community: Springfield

Her story: Jasarah Burgos is a leader in her community who dedicates her time and efforts to inspiring and empowering others to become strong leaders who can “expand the efforts we’re making today.”

Burgos works to engage Hampden County community members in decision-making processes that ensure Latinos living in diaspora have access to resources they need.

After arriving from Puerto Rico in 2017 with her then-2 year-old son following Hurricane Maria, Burgos was challenged with navigating a new environment and understanding the systems around her.

Every day, she sought ways to provide her son with a stable home, quality healthcare and education.

“This journey sparked a realization within me — I wanted to help others who were in similar situations,” she said. “This drive led me to enter the field of Human Services, where I have since dedicated myself to creating and supporting programs that provide opportunities for people who look and sound like me to thrive.”

Burgos is involved with several community-oriented groups including the Holyoke Community College Foundation, Latino Scholarship Fund of Western Massachusetts, Families First of Western Massachusetts, YMCA of Greater Springfield, Wayfinders and New North Citizen’s Council (NNCC).

She is the chief of community engagement for the NNCC, which is a non-profit organization providing advocacy and public and human services to Hampden County residents with an emphasis on the Hispanic/Latino community.

Burgos is passionate about fostering leadership and collective action to create lasting impacts to benefit current and future generations.

In her words: “We often operate within systems that weren’t designed for our success, but by educating ourselves and maintaining respect for others, we can continue to push for the collective changes that will benefit us all.”

We’re always open to hearing about more inspiring people. If you’d like to suggest someone else who should be recognized, please fill out this form.

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