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Eddie Ortiz works in higher education — with an eye on food

MassLive recently asked readers to identify people they consider Hispanic and Latino leaders in Massachusetts, working to make a difference across the state.

Profiles of these leaders will be published over the course of Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15. These are people readers have identified as inspirational, who may be doing good acts for their communities. They are being recognized for their accomplishments, leadership and commitment to inspire change.

Eddie Ortiz

Courtesy of Eddie Ortiz.Eddie Ortiz

Eddie Ortiz

Age: 40

Community: Springfield

His story: For 20 years, Springfield resident Eddie Ortiz has worked at Western New England University.

His history as a university employee began in the summer of 2004 when he worked in the housekeeping department, he told The Westerner for a profile last year.

“At the time, I was going to [Springfield Technical Community College] right down the road, and one of my friends got me in here,” Ortiz told the university’s student newspaper.

After that summer, Manager of Housekeeping Services Frank Lango asked Ortiz to keep working at the school “due to his great work,” The Westerner wrote. He moved from one job to another, eventually becoming part of the University Events Department’s set-up crew and working as a locksmith in the university’s public safety department.

“It was a really neat experience,” Ortiz told The Westerner about needing to go to locksmith school. “I even ended up actually making the dean’s list while I was there.”

Ortiz found his way back in the University Events Department, where he serves as the assistant director, he told MassLive. He also was elected as the university’s staff council president, where he “represented all the staff members on campus and worked closely with other staff members to advocate for all of us,” Ortiz said. He served during the 2022-2023 school year and was succeeded by Health Sciences Librarian Mike Mannheim.

“Higher Ed for me is special because I truly enjoy working with our students and building them [up] for the future. I love my job and it’s the reason why I’ve been around for 20 years on campus,” Ortiz told MassLive. “The relationship I build with my students, faculty and staff members it’s what’s so important to me.”

Along with his university work, Ortiz runs his own entertainment service small business called DJ Eddie O Entertainment. He is also the owners of Ortiz Family Cafe in Holyoke, along with his sister Ivette Ortiz. The cafe opened in 2022.

“Coming from an old school Puerto Rican family who is big on food and creative when cooking traditional dishes, pushed my sister and I to open Ortiz Family Cafe in Holyoke,” Ortiz said.

In his words: “Chase your dreams and don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone to get to where you want to be. Make sure you get out and network with community leaders and professionals and let yourself be known.”

We’re always open to hearing about more inspiring people. If you’d like to suggest someone else who should be recognized, please fill out this form.

This post was originally published on this site