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Police National US News

First Responders to the Rescue!

By Stephen Owsinski Hurricane Idalia moved swiftly along the Gulf Coast of Florida before creeping inland at the Sunshine State’s “armpit” (otherwise known as the Big Bend, where the coast curves) before flattening the city of Perry and others in the region. Even before that...

They Fought the Law, and the Law Won

By Steve Pomper How could I not write about these cops? They brought those of us parched-for-law-and-order folks, “water” in a rule-of-law desert—figuratively and literally. Figuratively because it wasn’t actually H2O, but it literally happened in the desert. Add to that the incident apparently set radical lefties...

No Cops Allowed

By Steve Pomper I thought we were over this moronic nonsense, but I guess not. However, that this incident happened in San Francisco makes a strange sort of sense in a nonsensical way. What do I mean? A business still refusing to serve cops would be in...