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Police National US News

From the Public Safety Cockpit

By Stephen Owsinski One other advantage of body-worn cameras (BWCs) used by law enforcement officers for varying purposes is the unique ability to be a vicarious spectator witnessing major police actions unfold…and all the supersensory stimuli that go with it. Such a hair-raising scene experienced by...

Faith and Blue: Policing and Higher Power

By Stephen Owsinski The annual Faith and Blue weekend transpired recently, with community members and the clergy meeting and praying over cops and forging formidable bonds. Among many just like it, the following gratitude for cops’ blessings was published by the Whittier Police Department crimefighters: “Happy...

Crimefighters Combatting Cancer

By Stephen Owsinski As we navigate the calendar month of October, Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns draw attention to the bravery exhibited by women who found themselves in that battle, surviving to talk about their personal experiences. Some of the cancer survivors are crimefighting law enforcement...

Stopping Crazy Drivers

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D It is a decision every patrol officer must eventually make – to chase or not to chase. A 4,000-pound missile of iron traveling at high speed is a deadly weapon from a millisecond of a poor decision or plain bad...