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Author: Larry Smith

Garden Notes: March 27, 2024

Upcoming programs at Berkshire Botanical GardenSTOCKBRIDGE - Berkshire Botanical Garden presents the following upcoming programs. Saturday, April 6, 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. “How to Design Plant and Care for a Low-maintenance, High-Impact, Pollinator-Friendly Flower Garden.” Led by Kerry Ann Mendez, this in-depth course covers...

SLG2, Inc. continues strong partnership with SABRE

PRESS RELEASEATHENS, Ala. — SLG2, Inc. proudly announces its ongoing partnership with SABRE, the world’s largest pepper spray manufacturer. This collaboration aims to empower and protect individuals, ensuring safety, confidence and peace of mind.SABRE has been at the forefront of providing police-strength protection to consumers...