WESTFIELD — On Saturday, Jan. 20, author and Westfield resident Robert Stephen Herrick will sign copies of his first book, “When, Then, Will the Devil Care? Poems and Short Stories,” at the Lang Auditorium of the Westfield Athenaeum at 2 p.m.
The book explores the darker truths of the world in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, through a collection of poems and tales based on Herrick’s life experiences and observations.
“I wanted to leave something behind and give back something unique to society, so I comprised this book together of poems and short stories,” Herrick said. “It draws you into thinking more about what could actually happen in each story. I want people to feel they’ve read something profound and different; something to awaken them and make the hair stand on the back of their neck, but overall feels like a good book, and it is.”