Dear Amy: I was taught that family does not give bridal or baby showers for family members.
The reasoning is that it appears they are begging for gifts for their family.
What is your opinion about this?
— Proper
Dear Proper: Sigh. In my opinion, that ship has sailed — for many very good and practical reasons having to do with living in the modern world.
Single women have babies. Women in the military have babies. Astronauts have babies. Pregnant women don’t always have the kind of traditional friendship support that would accommodate the sort of event you seem to prefer.
Keep in mind that any guest has the power to simply not attend any event they don’t want to go to.
But attending and sitting in judgment is (still) bad manners. That will never change.
Dear Readers: Before I show myself out at the end of June, I’m delighted to make way for your newest advice-giver: R. Eric Thomas, whose “Asking Eric” column will continue to foster the engaging relationship we’ve shared. Eric is young, smart, and a talented advice-giver — formerly of the Dear Prudence column.
You can help Eric get started by sending your questions to
(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)
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