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Dear Annie: My daughter abandoned house-raised kittens

Dear Annie: My daughter took in some kittens that a mama cat delivered on her property. She was very selective about who she would give them to and wound up only finding a home for one of them. She decided to keep two of the kittens, along with her existing two cats, which left three without homes. She kept them for seven months and then decided to release them into the wild at the beginning of cold weather. These kittens had been raised as house cats and were suddenly put out in the cold to fend for themselves.

My daughter goes to church and proclaims to be a Christian, but I love animals and am horrified by her actions. I feel disgusted and disappointed, and I’m worried this will put a strain on our relationship. How can I handle this without causing tension or saying something I might regret?

—Concerned Mama

Dear Concerned: It’s understandable that you’re feeling upset. Have you had an open and kind conversation with your daughter about this? It’s possible she didn’t realize how harmful releasing house-raised cats into the wild could be. Gently suggest that she speak with a veterinarian to understand the challenges and dangers these cats face.

You might also share information about the struggles of house cats suddenly forced to fend for themselves, emphasizing your concern for their well-being. By speaking with your daughter in a kind, compassionate tone rather than with judgment, you can help her learn while keeping your relationship strong.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit http://www.creatorspublishing.com for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@creators.com.


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