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Westfield Health Bulletin: consider vaccines for flu and cold season

In January, we pack away the holiday decorations, waffle on our New Year’s resolutions and huddle together like penguins to shield against the cold. This is as predictable as people complaining of sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, fever and body aches. Some years influenza is far more prevalent than others. This may be one of those years.

During the holidays, people travel, gather and exchanges hugs, kisses and snuggles. As lovely as this sounds, illness is being passed around in homes, airports and planes. When employees and students return to work and school, germs are going with them. It is estimated that the flu causes 400,000 respiratory deaths and 300,000 cardiovascular deaths worldwide each year.

Seasonal flu activity increased the first week of this month and is elevated across the country. Specific numbers are not available on the CDC site until Jan. 13 due to federal office closed on the 9th. Massachusetts site is not showing rates beyond the end of December.

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