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Ask Amy: DNA testing is important for health reasons — even if it causes drama

Dear Amy: You recently ran a question from “Jake from PA,” who was hurt because his adopted daughter wanted to reach out to her biological family members.

I would share that knowing the truth about a person’s DNA is vital.

When my adult son’s friend “Jack” introduced me to his mother “Janet,” she freaked out. Memory jogged and, to shorten a very long story, I am Jack’s father.

Janet denies it, but I can actually name the date she and I were together — nine months (to the day) prior to his birthday.

It has not gone well, but at least the truth is out there. And truthfully, we have a lot of family health issues Jack should address, or make sure his own daughter is checked for.

I know this creates challenges for people, but the truth is the truth.

— Been There

Dear Been There: You make very good points, but without DNA testing, it isn’t actually a certainty that you are “Jack’s” biological father.

As I have often stated, I believe that knowing the truth about one’s DNA is a basic human right.

Dear Amy: “Hoping for Companionship” is a 77-year-old widow who asked about jumping into the dating pool.

Your suggestions: Go to a museum? A coffee shop? Jeez, were old — not dead!

Why not suggest picking out funeral urns?

What’s wrong with playing nine rounds of golf, going fishing, watching your grandkids play sports? How about attending a street fair, county fair, mini-golf, or going to a local karaoke establishment? Do something fun and different.

My mom was 84 and was dancing at polka parlors until her death. She met men but dropped them when they’d say, “Oh, I go to bed at nine, so I can’t go out that late!”

Museum equals boring! I did that enough when my kids were small.

If they have a health restriction, moving might be helpful.

I’m not saying they should kayak down the rapids or join a pickleball team, but it is possible, I guess.

Who pays the bill? Easy! One pays for dinner the other tips generously. One pays for the show and the other buys the snacks.

If funds are limited, they could watch a minor league baseball game. Go to a farmers market, rent a movie and order a pizza, pick apples and make a pie. My gosh, the sky’s the limit, so put away the bingo cards and enjoy life!

— Disappointed

Dear Disappointed: Thank you for your great ideas.

I’ve been a life-long geezer, so I suggested first-date activities that are simple, inexpensive, and which I happen to enjoy.

(You can email Amy Dickinson at askamy@amydickinson.com or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)

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